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Publicaciones covid-9

US Sanctions on Cuba Further Imperil Global Vaccine Equity

The Editors
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The results are in and deeply troubling: in the absence of rapid, comprehensive vaccination rollouts, SARS-CoV-2 runs amok, mutates into more contagious variants and, for the unvaccinated, kills at a breakneck pace. Witness the Delta variant that research suggests is more than twice as contagious as the original strain that ripped the world asunder in 2020. While vaccinated people can contract and transmit Delta, the probability of developing serious illness is significantly reduced.[1] This is good news for populations in high- and upper-middle income countries—where 80% of the global vaccine stock has been “hoarded,” in the words of WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.[2]

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Publicado en el sitio 2021-09-16 12:21:07


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